Modern Slavery Act 2015
For the period ending 30 September 2023
This Statement is made pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act”) which was introduced by the UK government and received Royal Assent on 26 March 2015. It sets out the steps that the Kynetec group of companies (collectively known as "Kynetec”) has taken during the previous financial year ending 30 September 2023 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not operated within either its own business or its supply chains. Modern slavery can occur in various forms including servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking; it can affect children and adults. Kynetec has zero tolerance for such activities.
Kynetec is a global leader in market research for animal health and agriculture. Kynetec helps companies around the world understand the dynamics of their marketplace, turning research into business opportunities and enabling clients to create winning strategies. Kynetec has offices, contacts and partner ventures located in over 20 countries worldwide. Kynetec is committed to respecting and upholding the human rights of our employees and other individuals that we interact with directly or indirectly. We have taken a number of steps and have procedures in place that contribute to ensuring that modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chains.
- Employment - robust recruitment processes in line with relevant employment laws, including "right to work" document checks, contracts of employment, market-related pay and rewards reviewed annually, and well-being activities and initiatives to support our employees' physical and mental well-being.
- Policies and controls - all Kynetec employees are subject to a Code of Conduct which details policies such as Diversity and Equal Opportunity, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Health and Safety etc.
- Supply Chain - we expect our suppliers to comply with the Act and to ensure that their businesses are conducted in an ethical and slavery free manner.
- Employees - we have enabled our employees to understand more about this growing issue by developing and sharing resources and by guiding them on how to report any suspicions by introducing an internal whistleblowing procedure to enable anyone who has concerns to raise them in a confidential way, without the fear of any negative consequences.
This Group Statement has been approved by the respective Board of Directors of all companies in the Kynetec group and is signed on their behalf by:
Daniel Wirth, Chief Executive Officer
February 2024
*Kynetec group of companies (February 2024)
UK - Kynetec UK Topco Ltd, Kynetec Intermediate I UK Ltd, Kynetec Intermediate II UK Ltd, Kynetec Bidco UK Ltd, Project Farm Topco Ltd, Project Farm Midco Ltd, Project Farm Bidco 2016 Ltd, Project Farm Bidco Ltd, Kynetec UK Ltd, National Farm Research Unit Limited, NFRU Limited, CM Research Ltd, Systematics International Ltd
Argentina - Kynetec SRL
Australia - Kynetec Australia PTY Ltd
Belgium - Kynetec Belgium NV
Brazil - Kynetec Insights Assessoria Mercadolόgica Ltda; Spark Consultoria em Inteligência Competitiva Ltda, M & Q Solutions Engenharia Agronômica Ltda
Canada - Kynetec Canada Inc
China - Kynetec (Beijing) Co. Ltd
Czech Republic - Kynetec Czech s.r.o.
France - Kynetec France SAS
Germany - Kynetec Germany GmbH, Kleffmann GmbH
Guernsey - Kynetec Group Ltd
Hungary - Kynetec Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
India - Kynetec Data Services Private Ltd
Malaysia - Kynetec Malaysia SDN BHD
Mexico - AgroKynetec Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Poland - Kynetec Poland Spółka Z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością
Romania - Kynetec & Partner SRL
Russia - OOO Kleffmann Group
Serbia - Kynetec DruštvoSA OgraničenomOdgovornošćuBeograd
Spain - Kynetec Insights Spain SL
Turkey - Kleffmann Group Pazar Araştirmalari Limited Şrketi
USA - Kynetec USA Inc
We also have branch offices of Project Farm Bidco Ltd in Italy and Switzerland.