sigma Seed: Global seed market insights

Global insights, actionable decisions
Make strategic decisions with confidence. sigma Seed provides a comprehensive view of the global seed market, enabling effective planning and decision-making through data analysis and insights on crop production and biotechnology traits at a country-crop level, tracked for over 20 years.

With more than 100 countries covered and data on over 90% of the global seed market, sigma Seed is the most comprehensive source of information available.
Kynetec’s annual quantification of the global seed market for 10 leading field crops and 18 leading vegetable crops. More than 100 countries tracked annually. Covers 28 major row and vegetable crop groups.

Enabling global strategic decisions
sigma Seed provides insights into various market sectors, including crop area, seed source/type, planting rates and seed prices, and biotechnology penetration.
Building winning strategies
Defining R&D and regulatory strategies: sigma Seed facilitates the defining of your R&D strategy and aids in the regulatory process by providing relevant market data.
Monitor competitors’ brands and market shares, recognize your own strengths and weaknesses by market sector and by geography, and identify emerging and declining market segments and niche market opportunities.
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