How has the recent weather impacted farmers’ cropping decisions in the US and Canada?

In response to reports from our US and Canadian online farmer panel regarding later row crop planting than in previous years, we conducted a short survey exploring the possible relationship between weather changes and planting decisions
991 farmers, representing 25% of our active on-line panelists, responded within 72 hours of the survey going live, demonstrating that quick engaged responses are possible when surveys explore timely, relevant issues.
Findings from row crop farmers in the US and Canada showed that nearly 70% of respondents reported less suitable conditions for preparation and sowing of row crops due to adverse weather conditions compared to last year.
US v. Canada
Slightly higher favourable weather reported in Canada; Both countries' weather was mostly unfavourable this year
Q1. Compared to last year, how would you describe recent weather in your area as it relates to planting?
US n=738
CANADA n=253
■ More suitable for prep and planting than last year
■ About the same as last year
■ Less suitable for prep and planting than last year
24% of farmers decided to make a change to their row crop planting decisions due to recent weather impacts. 13% of farmers have changed their crop mix, 5% have changed their seed traits/brands and 6% have changed both. Comparing the impact on farmers in both countries, 30% of Canadian farmers reported a change in row crop planting decisions compared to 22% of US farmers.
US v. Canada
Canadian farmers made weather-motivated planting changes at slightly higher rate than US farmers
Q2. How has recent weather impacted your row crop planting decisions?
US n=738
CANADA n=253
■ Changed crop mix
■ Changed seed traits / brands
■ Changed both
■ None of these
Looking at regional impacts in the US, the Southern regions (Southern, Southern Plains) had the highest percentages of trait changes, and the Western regions (Mountain, Northwest Pacific) had the highest percentages of crop mix changes.
US by regions
Q3. How has recent weather impacted your row crop planting decisions?

■ Changed crop mix
■ Changed seed traits / brands
■ Changed both
■ None of these
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