Kynetec’s sustainability performance ranked by EcoVadis to be in top 8% of all companies rated, and in the top 3% within the market research industry

As a global player in the agri-food chain, we are committed to having a business model that contributes to a sustainable future
Consequently, we are proud to announce that we have been awarded a gold EcoVadis medal. Kynetec was placed amongst the top 8% of companies assessed by EcoVadis for their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ratings, and amongst the top 3% of market research companies.
EcoVadis is the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings. They provide holistic sustainability ratings on a broad range of non-financial management systems around the four themes of Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, Environment and Sustainable Procurement. Each company is rated on the issues applicable to their company's size, location and industry. EcoVadis assessed Kynetec on 21 CSR criteria around the four themes of Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, Environment and Sustainable Procurement.
Specifically on Labor & Human Rights, the criteria included aspects relating to human resources such as health & safety, working conditions, structured social dialogue, career management & training, and human rights issues including child & forced labor, discrimination & harassment and external human rights issues.
Ethical issues assessed related to corruption & bribery, anti-competitive practices and responsible marketing. From an environmental perspective, the environmental issues that Kynetec is confronted by and how they are mitigated were evaluated. In respect of Sustainable Procurement, Kynetec was able to demonstrate that they have a Supplier CSR code of conduct in place.
As well as EcoVadis providing us with sustainability ratings, they have also provided us with recommendations to help us identify opportunities to further drive and improve our contribution to sustainability.
The latest from Kynetec