French veterinarians can now benchmark their business performance through a new PanelVet portal
PanelVet is a free service that provides veterinarians in France the means to track, compare and make decisions on key business indicators
The data in PanelVet is extracted directly from each participating vet practices billing software, providing insights that are an exact reflection of the clinics’ financial performance, with no risk of data entry errors or approximations.
The data from the large base of participating vet clinics is then amalgamated to provide an overview of all participating vet practices, and offers relevant indicators for each vet practice to compare themselves to.
The data from the vet practices is transmitted automatically, and processed in a completely anonymous and secure manner via a customer code. No personal customer data is transmitted.
If you are a vet practice based in France and would like to join PanelVet, please click here.
For more information, please contact
Charles Bosquet
If you have a question about PanelVet, please email
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