Companion Animal Vet Sentiment Survey Provides Insights on Impact of COVID-19 Crisis

Findings from Kynetec’s recent COVID-19 Companion Animal Vet Sentiment Survey show that most vet clinics have responded to the pandemic by restricting the number of consultations/opening hours and accepting scheduled visits only, and that vets are concerned with shortage of supplies such as antibiotics and vaccines
The survey, conducted in partnership with Sermo, comprised 677 companion animal vets in 7 core markets: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and USA.
The survey provided many in-depth insights on the impact of COVID-19 on veterinary practice operations and activities. For example, some vet practices have switched from in-person visits to phone consultations and home delivery of medications. In addition, vets gave feedback on ways that animal health manufacturers can support veterinarians during this time of crisis. Interestingly, some of the perceived impact of the virus has been positive, namely that the crisis has helped relationships with customers and team spirit within their practice.
To see the detailed results of the survey, click here
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